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500 Christmas Trivia Questions for Kids

Al Paca

Christmas Trivia

Christmas is a time for family, friends, and of course, trivia! Test your knowledge with these Christmas trivia questions for kids. See how many you can get right! Just remember, if you get any questions wrong, no presents. Ok, go!

1. What color is Santa’s suit?

To formal events, Navy Blue, but sometimes a classic striped seersucker. Just kidding, red of course!

2. What does Santa drive to deliver toys on Christmas Eve?

A Toyota Prius in more urban areas, but traditionally a Sleigh.

3. Where does Santa Claus live?

The Clauses are snowbirds, splitting time between The North Pole and The Villages in Florida.

4. How many reindeer pull Santa’s sleigh (including Rudolph)?


5. Now, name all of Santa’s reindeer.

Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Cupid, Donner, and Blitzen. And Rudolph!

6. Who are Santa’s little helpers at the North Pole?

Santa employs seasonal labor, mostly Elves.

7. Which one of those reindeer shares its name with another famous holiday character?


8. Why did Santa Claus need Rudolph to lead his sleigh that night?

It was too foggy, and Santa needed Rudolph’s nose to light the way.

9. How many times does Santa check his list to find to who is naughty and who is nice?

Twice. Sometimes thrice or frice

10. What are two other popular names for Santa Claus?

Kris Kringle and Saint Nick.

11. What do some say that Santa Claus puts in kids’ stockings if they misbehave?

A lump of coal.

12. Where does the kid see Mommy kissing Santa Claus?

Underneath the mistletoe.

13. What soda company often uses Santa Claus in their Christmas advertising?


14. In what country was Saint Nicholas born?

Turkey. At the time, it was called Lycia.

15. What was Santa Claus’ traditional English name?

Father Christmas.

16. What is the Spanish name for Santa Claus?

Papa Noel.

17. What is Santa Claus called in France?

Père Noël.

18. Which real-life person is Santa Claus based on?

The Christian bishop St. Nicholas. (Many also think that the Norse god Odin inspired our modern Santa Claus.)

19. In Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, who joined Rudolph on his adventure after he left the North Pole?

Yukon Cornelius and Hermey the Misfit Elf.

20. What did the other reindeer not let Rudolph do after they saw his red nose? Hint: “They never let poor Rudolph…”

“Join in any reindeer games.”

21. What is the name of Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer’s sleigh team coach?


22. In the animated movie with the same name, what is the magical train that takes kids to the North Pole?

The Polar Express.

23. In A Christmas Carol, what is the first name of Scrooge?


24. In the movie “It’s a Wonderful Life,” what happens each time a bell rings?

An angel got its wings.

25. Who brings Frosty back to life in Frosty the Snowman?

Santa Claus.

26. What gift did the drummer in The Little Drummer Boy give the baby Jesus?

He played drums for Him. (Pa rum pum pum pum.).

27. At the end of A Charlie Brown Christmas, what song does the Peanuts gang sing?

“Hark! The Herald Angels Sing.”

28. Why can’t Santa make his annual trip in The Year Without Santa Claus?

He caught a cold.

29. In Elf, what are Buddy’s four main food groups?

Candy, candy canes, candy corns, and syrup.

30. What three words best describe the Grinch in the Dr. Seuss classic, How the Grinch Stole Christmas?

“Stink, stank, stunk.”

31. In “Jingle Bells,” what ride is so fun?

A one-horse open sleigh.

32. What is Frosty’s nose made of?

A button.

33. What magic item helped bring Frosty to life?

“That old top hat they found.”

34. According to the famous Christmas song, what would you say if you saw Rudolph’s nose?

“You would even say it glows!”

35. What kind of pudding do we ask for in the popular Christmas song “We Wish You a Merry Christmas?”

Figgy pudding. I’ve seen and heard people call it foggy pudding and piggy pudding, but it’s figgy. Piggy pudding? That’s just disgusting!

36. In “The Twelve Days of Christmas” carol, what does my true love give to me on the fifth day of Christmas?

Five gold rings. “Golden rings” is an acceptable answer.

37. In “You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch,” how cuddly is Mr. Grinch?

“Cuddly as a cactus.”

38. Since we hope to wake up to snow on Christmas day, what does the carol say we’re dreaming of?

“I’m dreaming of a white Christmas.”

39. What kind of Christmas is Elvis Presley going to have?

“A Blue Christmas.”

40. How many total gifts are given in “The Twelve Days of Christmas” song?


41. What favorite Christmas carol was originally written as a Thanksgiving song?

Jingle bells.

42. What was the first Christmas carol broadcast on the radio?

“O Holy Night” in 1906.

43. What is the best-selling Christmas carol of all time?

Bing Crosby’s “White Christmas.”

44. Which Christmas carol is the most-recorded Christmas song of all time?

Silent Night with 26,496 recordings as of December 2015.

45. Who first recorded “Here Comes Santa Claus?”

Gene Autry in 1947.

46. Which Christmas carol is considered a lullaby?

“Away in a Manger.”

47. How old was Brenda Lee when she recorded “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree?”

13 years old.

48. How long did Mariah Carey’s “All I Want for Christmas is You” take to hit number 1 on Billboard’s Hot 100?

25 years.

49. What are the traditional colors for Christmas?

Red and green.

50. What food do you leave out for Santa on Christmas Eve?

Cookies! (After reading “A Rugrats Night Before Christmas,” my daughter wanted to leave gummy worms for Santa.)

51. What food do you leave out for Santa’s reindeer on Christmas Eve?

Carrots and oats. (Carrots pair well with gummy worms!)

52. What do most people put on the top of a Christmas tree?

A star or an angel.

53. Standing under what type of plant during Christmas time means that we’re supposed to kiss?


54. In what country did our tradition of putting up Christmas trees for Christmas originate?


55. What is the main course for a traditional Christmas dinner in the United States?

Turkey and dressing or stuffing.

56. What is the name of the Christmas-themed ballet presented every year at Christmastime?

The Nutcracker.

57. What are the 12 Days of Christmas?

It is the days between the birth of baby Jesus and the three wise men arriving to visit Him.

58. What is the 12th Day of Christmas called?

The Epiphany or Three Kings Day.

59. What is the Latin meaning of the word Noel?

The French world Noël comes from the Latin word Natalis, which means birthday.

60. What kind of log should you burn on Christmas Eve for good luck the following year?

A Yule log.

61. Eating what food is a major Christmas tradition in Britain?

Milk punch.

62. For extra good luck, in what direction should you stir the mincemeat for your pies?


63. What Christmas decoration is actually a parasitic plant?


64. In which fairy tale inspired the first gingerbread houses?

Hansel and Gretel.

65. In what city was The Nutcracker first premiered?

Saint Petersburg, Russia, in 1892.

66. What traditional Christmas decoration was originally made from strands of silver?


67. In the U.S., they are hot dogs wrapped in croissant pastry. In the U.K., they are small sausages wrapped in bacon. (What!) What is the name of this traditional British Christmas dinner dish?

Pigs in a blanket.

68. Which country is the largest exporter of Christmas trees?

The United States.

69. In what city was baby Jesus born?


70. What guided the three wise men to find the newborn Jesus?

A star. (The Star of Bethlehem.)

71. What three gifts did the wise men bring?

Gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

72. What city in the United States once banned Christmas?

Boston in 1659.

73. When and where were the first commercial Christmas cards made?

In 1843 in England.

74. Who created the first strand of Christmas lights?

Thomas Edison in 1880.

75. What was the first Christmas carol broadcast in space?

“Jingle Bells.”

76. What country celebrates its Independence Day on Christmas Eve?


77. Who created the character and wrote the book “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer?”

Robert L. May.

78. Which was the first state to declare Christmas as an official holiday?

Alabama in 1836.

79. Who was the first President to decorate a Christmas tree in the white house?

Benjamin Harrison in either 1888, 1889, or 1991. Sorry, Internet, but it wasn’t Franklin Pierce.

80. Which was the last state to recognize Christmas as an official holiday?

Oklahoma, when it became a state in 1907.

81. Which popular Christmas gift for kids was created based on a political satire cartoon?

The Teddy Bear.

82. Which saint is celebrated on the 26th December?

St. Stephen.

83. How do you say “Merry Christmas” in Spanish?

Feliz Navidad.

84. Who wrote the novel, A Christmas Carol?

Charles Dickens.

85. How do you say “Merry Christmas” in Italian?

Buon Natale.

86. Who wrote the popular Christmas song “Frosty The Snowman”?

Walter Rollins and Steve Nelson.

87. In the song "Twelve Days of Christmas," what is given on the seventh day?

Swans a-swimming.

88. In the song “Last Christmas”, who does the singer give their heart to?

Someone special.

89. If Elvis isn’t going to have a white Christmas, what type of Christmas is he going to have?

Blue Christmas.

90. Which country came up with the dessert ”White Christmas” made from coconut oil and dried fruit?


91. Why are Christmas candy canes red and white in color?

The white of the cane allegedly represents the purity of Jesus Christ. The red stripes, on the other hand, are for the blood he shed when he died on the cross.

92. Which reindeer is named after thunder?

Donner (the German word for “thunder”).

93. What vegetable allows Santa's reindeer to fly?


94. Which department store is said to have created Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer?

Rudolph was created in 1939 by Robert L. May as an advertising gimmick for Montgomery Ward.

95. Why do the other reindeer tease Rudolph?

Because of his red nose.

96. What is the name of Rudolph's son?

Robbie the Reindeer.

97. What year was Santa born?

270 AD.

98. Which real-life person is Santa Claus based on?

The Christian bishop St. Nicholas.

99. What does Santa's belly shake like?

A bowl full of jelly.

100. What do Swedish children leave for Santa Claus?

Coffee (in case he’s feeling tired from delivering all the presents).

101. In early illustrations of Santa Claus, what is he often seen holding?

A birch rod.

102. Which U.S. state has a town called Santa Claus?


103. What’s the highest grossing Christmas movie of all time?

The Grinch Who Stole Christmas.

104. What color is the Grinch?


105. What color is usually the shining star placed on top of Christmas trees?


106. Canada, The U.K., and most other Commonwealth countries officially celebrate the day after Christmas as what holiday?

Boxing Day.

107. Similar to tinsel, these long strips of shiny foil are used to decorate a Christmas tree. What are they called?


108. What are two other names for Santa Claus?

Saint Nick and Kris Kringle.

109. True or False: The first Christmas tree appeared in the United States


110. Who invented electric Christmas lights?

Thomas Edison in 1880.

111. Which was the first country to issue a Christmas postage stamp?


112. Which American President banned Christmas trees in the White House?

Theodore Roosevelt.

113. How many days do we have between Christmas and the Epiphany?


114. Which of Santa’s reindeer is named after another animal?

Vixen (a fox).

115. Is there a Mrs. Santa Claus?


116. Who helps Santa Claus in making his gifts?

Elves and Mrs. Claus!

117. Where was St. Nicholas born?


118. After leaving Bethlehem, to which country did Joseph, Mary, and Jesus travel?


119. Every elf has this ornament on the tip of their shoes. Which ornament are we talking about?


120. How does Santa Claus go back up the chimney to continue his journey of delivering gifts?

He places his finger on the side of his nose, gives a smile and a nod.

121. How many points does a snowflake traditionally have?


122. What was the tallest Christmas Tree ever put up? Where?

A 221 feet Douglas Fir put up in the Northgate Shopping Center in Seattle, the year 1950.

123. What President established Christmas as a national holiday?

President Ulysses S. Grant.

124. Which hymn’s second verse begins with “Christ by highest heaven adored”?

“Hark the Herald Angels Sing”.

125. What much-reviled Christmas dessert is known for its long shelf life?


126. How many reindeer are featured in the poem “Twas the Night Before Christmas?”

Eight (no Rudolph!).

127. Which country has a tradition of a witch dropping gifts for children through the chimney at Christmas?


128. In which country is KFC a popular Christmas meal?


129. How much do Americans spend on holiday shopping?

Americans spend an average of $988 per person on holiday gifts.

130. What sparks roughly 100 accidental fires each holiday season?

Dried out Christmas trees.

131. Santa Claus is mainly a mix of what two figures?

Saint Nicholas (Sinterklaas in Dutch) and Father Christmas.

132. What is it called when people go singing from door to door?


133. What would you stick into an onion when following a traditional bread sauce recipe?


134. What is the name of the last ghost that visits Scrooge inA Christmas Carol?

The Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come.

135. Who wrote, “Christmas doesn’t come from a store, maybe Christmas perhaps means a little bit more?”

Dr. Seuss.

136. What are Christmas trees also called?


137. What type of bird who’s name begins with the letter ‘R’, do you often see on Christmas cards?


138. How fast would Santa's sleigh have to travel to deliver presents to all the children in the world?

About six million miles per hour, as reported in the Telegraph.

139. Why do we hang Christmas stockings?

The tradition came about thanks to a legend that states the generous Turkish bishop St. Nicholas helped a set of three poor sisters avoid a life of indentured servitude by paying for their dowries. For three nights, the bishop threw gold down their chimney, which landed in their stockings hung by their fireplace to dry. Now we carry on the tradition by hanging stockings to fill with gifts and small treats.

140. Which popular Christmas drink is also called ‘milk punch’?


141. Which color is Santa’s belt?


142. Which cake is traditionally made for Christmas?

Plum cake.

143. Who is the singer of ‘White Christmas’?

Bing Crosby.

144. Which US president had his own recipe for Eggnog?

George Washington.

145. How much time does a Christmas tree need to reach average height?

15 years.

146. Can you name the kings who visited baby Jesus?

Melchior, Casper and Balthazar.

147. Name the famous scientist who was born on 25th December?

Sir Isaac Newton.

148. According to Austrian Folklore, which horned creature kidnaps kids who’re naughty during Christmas?


149. What are the three words that Santa usually greets people with?

Ho Ho Ho.

150. What is the name of the green and red plant that is used to decorate houses during Christmas?


151. Who spies on naughty kids and reports them to Santa?

The Elf on the Shelf.

152. What happens to the person who finds the pickle ornament first on the Christmas tree on Christmas Day?

They get an extra present from Santa.

153. Before Christmas lights were invented, what did people put on their Christmas tree?


154. What is the name of the fruit-cake that is traditionally made in Germany during Christmas?


155. Which Roman holiday inspired Christmas celebrations?


156. What day is Christmas?

December 25.

157. What is the Grinch's dog's name?


158. What did Rudolph never get to join?

Any reindeer games.

159. What kind of houses are popular to make and decorate?


160. Do Christmas trees have skirts or dresses?


161. What do you decorate with ornaments?

A tree.

162.According to the song, what did my true love give to me on the eighth day of Christmas?

Eight maids a milking.

163. What's the name of the main villain in The Nightmare Before Christmas?

Oogie Boogie.

164. Why is Christmas celebrated?

Christmas is celebrated for the birth of Jesus Christ.

165. The short version of Christmas is also known as what?


166. What does the red color of Christmas symbolize?

Blood of Jesus.

167. What does the green color of Christmas signify?

Continuity of life.

168. What does mistletoe symbolize?

Love, laughter, and compassion.

169. What else is Santa Claus called?

Father Christmas, Grand Father Frost, and Kris Kringle.

170. Which country did St. Nicholas belong to?


171. What do the Dutch call Santa Claus?


172. What do people hide in their home, in Norway on Christmas Eve?


173. Why did the Europeans decorate their Christmas trees with spider web-shaped decorations?

They believed that spiders bring good luck. Jesus's blanket was woven with the spider webs, and it turned to gold when the sun shined over it.

174. In which ocean is Christmas island situated?

Indian Ocean.

175. What is the general weight of a Christmas turkey?

12 pounds.

176. Which special chicken dish is eaten on Christmas in Japan?

Fried chicken, especially KFC.

177. What can be made from a pine needle?

Tea, syrup, vinegar, and butter!.

178. How long was the biggest candy cane ever made?

51 feet long.

179. What do the well-behaved good kids get in their stockings, in the UK?


180. Why were candy canes invented?

To entertain kids in long church services.

181. In which country are brussels sprouts eaten on Christmas?


182. Name the chef who made the tallest candy cane.

Chef Alain Roby.

183. What was the weight of the largest fruit cake?

9596 pounds.

184. Where was the tallest candy cane made?


185. What was the weight of the largest Christmas pudding?

7,231 pounds.

186. What type of calendar do you use to count down to Christmas Day?

An Advent calendar.

187. Joseph was Jesus’ father. What was his job?

He was a carpenter.

188. What are Frosty the Snowman’s eyes made from?


189. What does Alvin the Chipmunk want for Christmas?

A hula-hoop.

190. What country started the tradition of exchanging gifts?


191. Visions of what item dances in children’s heads?


192. What is the most famous Christmas Ballet?

The Nutcracker.

193. What Jewish holiday occasionally overlaps with Christmas?


194. What is the earliest known item used to decorate Christmas trees?


195. What are the 3 traditional colors of Christmas?

Red, Green, and Gold.

196. What is the meaning of the word “Noel” in Latin?


197. What U.S. state holds the record for the largest snowman?


198. What was the first artificial Christmas tree made of?

Goose Feathers.

199. How much did the Grinch’s heart grow on Christmas day?

3 sizes.

200. In what year was Mrs. Claus first introduced?


201. Who sings “All I Want for Christmas is You”?

Mariah Carey.

202. What year did Google begin tracking Santa Claus?


203. How does Santa get into houses on Christmas Eve?

The Chimney.

204. What little girl catches the Grinch stealing Christmas?

Cindy Lou Who.

205. How did Mary travel to Bethlehem to give birth to Jesus?

On a Donkey.

206. What is Frosty the Snowman’s last words?

“I’ll be back someday”.

207. Santa Claus’s beard is similar to what winter feature?


208. What fruit is Santa Claus’s nose compared to?

A Cherry.

209. Yogi bear spends his first Christmas in what park?

Jelly Stone Park.

210. The first Christmas stamp was issued in what year?


211. What is the average number of lights on a Christmas tree?


212. On what street did a Santa Claus miracle occur?

34th Street.

213. What Florida town has a Christmas tree decorated year-round?

Christmas, Florida.

214. Traditionally, does the oldest or youngest open presents first?


215. What would your zodiac sign be if you were born on Christmas day?


216. Does Rudolph have antlers?


217. How does Buddy reach the North Pole in the movie “Elf”?

By crawling into Santa’s sack.

218. Which Christmas toy idea was derived from a 1903 famous political caricature?

Teddy Bear.

219. In the opening scene of “A Charlie Brown Christmas,” the characters are seen enjoying which winter recreational activity?

Ice Skating.

220. The Christians who lived in the east originally celebrated Christmas on which date?

January 6.

221. Hermey, the Elf, and Yukon Cornelius helped which reindeer after he left the North Pole?

222. After killing the Mouse King, what does the Nutcracker turn into?

A handsome prince.

223. During Christmas, which famous candy is wrapped in red and green foils?

Hershey’s Kisses.

224. Whose eyes glow in “The Christmas Song”?

Tiny tots.

225. Who brought stories about St. Nicholas to America?

Dutch immigrants.

226. Rudolph had to avoid which bad guy?

The Abominable Snowman.

227. What was Santa’s ride in Finland?


228. What was Harry Potter’s first Christmas gift at Hogwarts?

The Invisibility Cloak.

229. Name the two reindeer whose names begin with C.

Comet and Cupid.

230. Which Christmas movie has a villain named Oogie Boogie?

The Nightmare Before Christmas.

231. What does the word “Santa” mean?


232. Who originally sang “Here Comes Santa Claus”?

Gene Autry.

233. “Mele Kalikimaka” means Merry Christmas in which language?


234. Who tracks Santa’s location on Christmas Eve?

NORAD – North American Aerospace Defense Command.

235. What are the two phrases commonly used on Christmas tags?

“To” and “from”.

236. What type of tree is considered as the “King” of Christmas trees?

Nordman Fir.

237. Who celebrates Christmas on January 7?

The Russian Orthodox Church.

238. In which direction does the star lead the Wise Kings?


239. Name the common Christmas side dishes.

Baked ham and mashed potato green bean casserole.

240. How many reindeer were there originally?


241. What does Santa shout when stuck in a chimney?

“You girls and boys won’t get any toys if you don’t pull me out!”.

242. Who told Frosty the Snowman to stop?

The traffic cop.

243. Which Christmas movie features Swirly Twirly Gumdrops and Candy Cane Forest?


244. Traditionally, what colour is Santa’s sack?


245. What is the name of Kristoff’s reindeer in the Disney movie ‘Frozen’?


246. What is traditionally hidden in a Christmas pudding?


247. What does the word ‘advent’ mean?


248. In which Pacific Ocean island nation is Father Christmas known as Santa-san?


249. What is the capital city of Christmas Island?


250. Children in what country leave out Pan de Pascua (sponge cake with fruit, ginger, and honey) for Santa Claus?


251. Who is Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer’s father?


252. What caused Santa to need Rudolph’s help to guide Santa’s sleigh?

It was foggy out.

253. How many states grow Christmas Trees?

All 50 states (including Hawaii and Alaska) grow Christmas Trees!

254. What happens each time a bell rings?

An angel gets their wings.

255. What is the first gift of Christmas given to children that board The Polar Express?

A silver sleigh bell.

256. What angel came to Mary to tell her she would carry a child?

The angel Gabriel.

257. What books in the Bible tells the story of Jesus’ birth?

There are 2 bible accounts: Matthew and Luke.

258. What does Elf put on his spaghetti?

Maple syrup.

259. What toy does Buddy the Elf not like?

Jack in the Box (it always seems to scare him).

260. What does Santa say to Ralphie when he says he wants a BB gun for Christmas in The Christmas Story?

“You’ll shoot your eye out.”

261. What is the nickname of the pair of burglars that tries to break into the McCallisters’ home?

The Wet Bandits.

262. How many times does Santa say “Ho”?


263. In Finland, families eat this for breakfast on christmas morning

Christmas porridge.

264. Central American families celebrate Christmas with what outdoor display?


265. In Australia, instead of reindeer, these animals are sometimes used to pull Santa’s sleigh.


266. Long ago, Greeks traditionally decorated ________ instead of trees.


267. In Russia, children are given presents not on Christmas day but on:

New Year’s Day (by Grandfather Frost).

268. Name two types of Christmas or evergreen trees.

Fir, Spruce, Pine.

269. Which action film is often called a Christmas film?

Die Hard.

270. In which year was the first Christmas tree lit up in the Rockefeller Center?


271. Who fought the rats in the Russian ballet about Christmas?


272. In a Christmas Carol were Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, Perfect and Yet to Come. What ghost was not there?


273. What Was The World's Largest Christmas Stocking Filled With?


274. What Was Rudolph Almost Named Instead?


275. What NBA Player Went Head-To-Head Against Santa Claus In A Nike Commercial?

Michael Jordan.

276. In What Country Are Christmas Trees Decorated With Spiders?


277. Gift Wrap Was Invented In What Country?


278. What U.S. City Banned Christmas In 1659?

Boston. The Puritans banned the celebration of Christmas because they believed there was no scriptural basis for it.

279. What Holiday Was "Jingle Bells" Written For?


280. About How Many Christmas Trees Are Sold In The US For Christmas?


281. Does America Have An Official Christmas Tree?

Yes, It Does.

282. Can You Eat A Christmas Tree?

Yes, Parts of Pines, Spruces & Firs Can Be Eaten.

283. How Many Christmas Islands Are There?

There Are 2 Christmas Islands. One In The Pacific, One In The Indian Ocean.

284. When Did Hallmark Introduce It's Line Of Christmas Cards?


285. What Year Was The "Toys For Tots" Program Started?


286. What Do Dutch Children Put Out Like We Put Out Stockings?

Their Shoes.

287. What Time Are The Lights Turned Off On The Empire State Building On Christmas Night?

3 AM.

288. Who said, "God Bless Us, Every One!"?

Tiny Tim.

289. How many Wise Men were there according to the bible?

It does not say.

290. McDonald's puts what holiday image on bags during the Christmas season?


291. In "Jingle Bell Rock" everyone is dancing and prancing. Where do they do it?

Jingle Bell Square.

292. "Greensleeves" is another name for what Christmas song?

What child is this?

293. The custom of finding a button in the plum pudding means what to an unmarried man?


294. What was the most popular toy of 1984?

Cabbage Patch Doll.

295. The average number of gifts an adult male gets for Christmas is?


296. What is the main ingredients in gingerbread cookies? Flour, Ginger, or Molasses?


297. In It's A Wonderful Life, what did Clarence receive for his accomplishing his mission?

His wings.

298. What river did General Washington cross on December 25, 1776?

Delaware River.

299. What song contains the line, "Let's be jolly, deck the halls with boughs of holly"?

Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree.

300. What city name do the states Kentucky, Indiana, New Hampshire, Maryland, Connecticut, and Georgia have in common?


301. What popular children's cracker today was introduced in 1902 as a Christmas ornament?

Barnum’s Animal crackers.

302. What is the name of the rabbit in the magic hat in Frosty the Snowman?

Hocus Pocus.

303. In the movie "A Christmas Story ," what was the name of the next door neighbors whose dogs ate the Christmas turkey?

The Bumpuses.

304. Name the animatronic cassette-playing bear toy that every kid wanted for Christmas in the mid 80s.

Teddy Ruxpin.

305. What is the name of the little girl in most versions of The Nutcracker?


306. Which Saturday Evening Post artist was known for his whimsical pictures of Santa Claus?

Norman Rockwell.

307. Who tells you she's in town by tap, tap, tapping' at your windowpane?

Suzy Snowflake.

308. In what season do we celebrate Christmas in the USA?


309. What 2 lists does Santa keep?

A good list and a naughty list (Make sure you're on the good one!).

310. In Armenia the traditional Christmas meal is fried fish, lettuce and which other green vegetable?


311. In Finland Santa doesn't ride a sleigh. What animal does he ride?

A goat named Ukko.

312. What is Santa called in Hawaii?


313. In what country do they say "Frohe Weinachten"? (meaning Happy Christmas)


314. In what asian country is it common to give money at Christmas?

South Korea.

315. In Switzerland at Christmas parties you might eat fondue (a pot of melted cheese) and then kiss the person on your left. True or False?


316. Cougnou is a sweet festive bread which is baked over the Christmas period across Europe, it is made in the form of what?

The Baby Jesus.

317. Which country created Eggnog?


318. Shortbread is traditionally made before Christmas, where does it originate from?


319. Panettone is Italian sweet bread with dried fruit that is popular around Europe over the Christmas period, where did it originate from?


320. Mulled wine is referred to by all these terms in some area of the world EXCEPT:


321. What traditional English dessert did Rachel try to make on Friends?


322. In Australia and New Zealand what do they normally eat for Christmas lunch?


323. Which country does Stollen come from?


324. What’s the most popular Christmas dessert in New Zealand?


325. The term ‘Xmas’ comes from which language?


326. What is Santa’s official address in Canada, including the postcode? He receives over 1 million letters each year here…

Santa Claus, North Pole, H0H 0H0, Canada.

327. What has been the world’s heaviest Christmas present? (CLUE: France gave it to the US)

Statue of Liberty.

328. According to Astronomer George Banos’ 1979 academic paper, what exactly was the Star of Bethlehem the Wise Men were following?


329. In the USA in 2018, how many people ended up in the ER in November and December from festive decorating accidents?


330. There’s a town in Florida USA called Christmas where all the streets are named after Christmassy things, true or false?


331. What are the missing lyrics? “O come, all ye faithful, Joyful and ___”.


332. How long did it take to create Nightmare Before Christmas?

3 years, each second required 12 different movements.

333. In which country do naughty children get rotting potatoes in their shoes?


334. In which country are the main streets of the big city shut off so people can rollerskate on Christmas Eve?


335. In which country do the women celebrate Little Christmas on the 6th January?


336. In which country do the shepherds play the bagpipes in the squares and piazzas on Christmas Eve?


337. Which country celebrates Schmutzli, basically the anti-Santa, who wears a black robe and has a dark beard and a whip?


338. What political cartoonist is largely responsible for defining what the modern Santa Claus looks like?

Thomas Nast.

339. In what decade did Coca-Cola start using Santa Claus in advertisements?


340. What entrepreneur was the first person to dress up as Santa in his department store and started the tradition of department store / mall Santas?

James Edgar.

341. Who did the German Nazi Regime replace Santa Claus / St. Nick with?


342. In what decade did NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command, formerly CONAD) start tracking Santa on Christmas Eve?

The 1950’s (specifically 1955).

343. In what country did Silent Night originate?


344. What was the original title for The Little Drummer Boy?

Carol of the Drum.

345. How were the writer of the story Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and the writer of the song Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer related?

They were brothers-in-law.

346. What was the original title for the popular Christmas song Silver Bells, written by Jay Livingston and Ray Evans?

Tinkle Bells.

347. What animal parts were the first artificial Christmas trees made from?

Goose feathers painted green.

348. What country is the Poinsettia, with its red and green foliage, native to?


349. What old Christmas tradition signals to people passing by that the residents of a house are Christian?

Putting candles in the window.

350. What day is a close second and sometimes surpasses Black Friday for busiest brick and mortar shopping day of the year?

The last Saturday before Christmas (a.k.a Super Saturday).

351. What large former retail outlet commissioned and published Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer?

Montgomery Ward.

352. The man who voiced the Grinch in How the Grinch Stole Christmas! was most famous for playing what popular Hollywood monster?

Frankenstein’s Monster.

353. In what European country are children given gifts by St. Basil on January 1st instead of Santa on December 25th?


354. What Southeast Asian country boasts the longest holiday season starting with decorations and carols as early as September and celebrations that last sometimes until late January?

The Philippines.

355. In what Central American country might you find yourself kicking off the holiday season by burning the devil on December 7th while sweeping your house?


356. What cartoon character is a Christmas Eve staple in Sweden and is watched by millions of Swedes every year?

Donald Duck.

357. Before turkey, a traditional English Christmas dinner was a pig's head and mustard. True or false?


358. A popular Christmas snack in South Africa is roasted mopane caterpillars. They're crunchy and delicious! True or false?

True! They do look delicious!

359. When do Russians and Greeks celebrate Christmas?

A couple of weeks after December 25th, depending on the moon.

360. In Venezuela, what do people traditionally do on Christmas morning?

Go rollerskating.

361. What do Germans traditionally do with gherkins at Christmas time?

Hide them in Christmas trees.

362. Why do Norwegian's hide their brooms on Christmas?

In case witches steal them.

363. What do Dutch people use instead of Christmas stockings?


364. Which of these is NOT part of a traditional Russian Christmas dinner?

Pineapple Pizza.

365. Although Christmas is celebrated by Christians in India, Christianity is not the main religion, what is?


366. What kind of trees are decorated at Christmas time in India?

Mango and Banana Trees.

367. Once a year at Christmas, Mexican parents allow their children to break something. What do you think they break?

Pinata, filled with sweets and toys.

368. What do they call the Christmas tree in New Zealand?


369. What do people in Finland traditionally have on Christmas Eve?


370. In Australia, a different animal is often pictured pulling Santa's sleigh. What animal do you think it could be?

Boomers ( Slang for Kangaroos).

371. Father Christmas in Poland is called?

Swiety Mikolaj.

372. Why is it considered bad luck in Scotland to let the fire go out on Christmas Eve?

Naughty elves will come!

373. In Mexico, what is the traditional procession that is performed in the latter half of December?

La Posada.

374. The Cavalcade of Lights is celebrated in what Canadian city?


375. The city of Riga, Latvia claims to have decorated the first what in 1510?

A Christmas Tree.

376. The Twelve Days of Christmas end on what date?

January 6 or the Feast of the Epiphany.

377. People in what country exchange books on Christmas Eve and then spend the evening reading them and eating chocolate?


378. In the UK, the tradition of opening the Alms box and distributing money to the poor was done on what day?

Boxing Day, December 26th.

379. In what country would you find the Grand Market running from 6pm on Christmas Eve into Christmas morning?


380. In India, lanterns shaped like what are strung up between houses?


381. The Giant Lantern Festival is held in San Fernando in what country?


382. In Gavle, Sweden, they build a 13 meter tall what every Advent?

A goat.

383. In Norway, what do people hide on Christmas Eve?

Their brooms.

384. A traditional Ukrainian Christmas Eve supper contains how many courses?

Twelve. One for each of the apostles.

385. Bolivians bring what animal to Christmas Eve mass?


386. What country’s version of Santa Claus is Ded Moroz or Grandfather Frost?


387. In 1974, KFC ran an ad campaign in what country with the slogan “Kentucky for Christmas”?

Japan. Fried Chicken is often eaten there on Christmas Day.

388. In Iceland, what is the name for the 13 troll-like characters that come out to play before Christmas?

The Yule Lads.

389. Pope Julius I declared December 25 to be Christmas Day in what year?

350 AD.

390. Fruitcake originated in what ancient country?

Egypt. It was considered essential for the afterlife.

391. Who made Christmas illegal in England from 1647 to 1660?

Oliver Cromwell the original Grinch.

392. What was the first Christmas movie ever made?

Santa Claus (1898).

393. Who came up with the Elf on the Shelf?

Carol Aebersold and her daughters, Chanda Bell and Christa Pitts.

394. When is National Candy Cane Day?

December 26th.

395. What is the highest grossing Christmas movie of all time?

Home Alone (1990).

396. Who popularized the Christmas tree tradition?

Queen Victoria and Prince Albert.

397. Who popularized the modern-day gingerbread cookie?

Queen Elizabeth I.

398. What characters symbolizing Christmas or winter appear in the main cast of Rise of the Guardians (2012)?

Jack Frost and St. Nicholas.

399. What is the snowman in “Winter Wonderland” called?

Parson Brown.

400. Name three actors in the movie “White Christmas”?

Bing Crosby, Rosemary Clooney, and Danny Kaye.

401. The main course of a traditional Christmas dinner is?

Turkey with stuffing.

402. What was gifted on the tenth day of Christmas in the song “12 Days of Christmas”?

Lords a-leaping.

403. What is the color of the mistletoe plant berries used for Christmas decorations?


404. “The Savior reigns” is a line from which famous Christmas song?

Joy to the World.

405. What is the first line of the third verse of the song, “Away In a Manger”?

The cattle are lowing.

406. The Christmas Carol “We Wish you a Merry Christmas” demands which pudding?

A figgy pudding.

407. Kevin was lost in which city in “Home Alone 2”?

New York City.

408. Will Ferrell played which character in the 2003 blockbuster “Elf”?


409. What was the name of Rudolph’s elf-friend in the 1964 film “Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer”?


410. Donald Trump made a cameo in which famous Christmas film?

Home Alone 2.

411. Which animated character complained that Christmas was commercialized?

Charlie Brown.

412. What gift did Casper offer?


413. The other name of Wise Men is?


414. “I don’t know if there’ll be snow, but have a cup of cheer?” is a song from which Christmas song?

A Holly Jolly Christmas.

415. In the song “O Little Town of Bethlehem,” where do the silent stars go?

Above thy deep and dreamless sleep.

416. Which Old Testament prophet spoke extensively about the birth of Christ?


417. What is the other name of the carol “The Twelve Days of Christmas”?

The Counting Song.

418. What song is heard on every street corner?

Silver Bells.

419. Which holiday film appears more than 300 times per year on television?

It’s a Wonderful Life.

420. “They looked up and saw a star” is the second line of which famous Christmas song?

The First Noel.

421. What is mistletoe in general?

A parasitic plant.

422. Mincemeat should be stirred in which direction for good luck?

Clockwise direction.

423. What color is Elvis Presley’s Christmas?


424. Which city do McCallisters go to when they leave Kevin behind in the film “Home Alone”?


425. What was placed on Friday the Snowman’s head?

A magic hat.

426. “Treat every day like Christmas” is the first rule of?

Elves in “The Code of Elves”.

427. The lighting of Christmas trees comes from which tradition?

Pagan tradition.

428. Who played his drum for the newborn Christ with approval from Jesus’s mother, Mary?

The Little Drummer Boy.

429. Who are the Bumpuses in the movie “A Christmas Story”?

The neighbors.

430. How did Scrooge improve Cratchit’s life in “A Christmas Carol”?

By giving him a raise.

431. Which holiday candy was created to remind children about the shepherds who visited baby Jesus?

Candy cane.

432. Who released “All I Want for Christmas is my Two Front Teeth”?

Spike Jones and his City Slickers.

433. How many candles can be seen on an Advent wreath?


434. Which famous British actor voiced the Grinch in the 2018 animated film?

Benedict Cumberbatch.

435. Which choreographer was uncredited for “A White Christmas”?

Bob Fosse.

436. How many frames were used to make the entire “Nightmare Before Christmas” film?


437. What is the name of Ralphie’s brother in “A Christmas Story”?


438. Who designed the first Christmas card and when?

John Horsley in 1843.

439. Where is the world’s largest nativity scene located?

Einsiedeln, Switzerland.

440. Who is the business partner of Mr. Scrooge in “A Christmas Carol”?

Jacob Marley.

441. Who gifted the Christmas tree placed in Trafalgar Square in London?


442. What did Grinch substitute for a reindeer?

A dog.

443. How many ghosts show up in A Christmas Carol?


444. Which Hollywood actor played six different roles in The Polar Express?

Tom Hanks.

445. What did Frosty The Snowman do when a magic hat was placed on his head?

He began to dance around.

446. What was the real name of the character Tim Allen plays in The Santa Clause?

Scott Calvin.

447. “The Muppet Christmas Carol,” who played Scrooge? Hint: It wasn’t a muppet.

Michael Caine.

448. As the clock chimes midnight to ring in the New Year, a Spanish tradition involves eating twelve of what? You’re supposed to have one for each chime?


449. How many Americans celebrate Christmas?

Nine in 10 Americans.

450. How many lights were on the Griswold’s house in Christmas Vacation?


451. What is the name of George Bailey’s guardian angel in It’s A Wonderful Life?

Clarence Odbody.

452. What are the most common sides for Christmas dinner?

Green bean casserole, mashed potatoes and gravy, baked ham.

453. Which Christmas song contains the lyric “Everyone dancing merrily in the new old-fashioned way?”

“Rocking Around The Christmas Tree”.

454. What are you supposed to do when you find yourself under the mistletoe?


455. What would you be drinking if you had ‘Glühwein?’

Mulled wine.

456. Which spirit is traditionally added to butter and served with Christmas pudding?


457. Where did the word and idea “Christmukkah” come from?

The O.C.

458. In 1981, Bob and Doug McKenzie released their own version of a classic Christmas song. Which song is that?

The Twelve Days of Christmas.

459. Finish this line from How the Grinch Stole Christmas: “It came without packages, boxes or ___.”


460. In “The Christmas Song,” who did the narrator see kissing Santa Claus under the mistletoe?


461. How many Americans buy artificial Christmas trees?

More than 80 percent, according to the American Christmas Tree Association.

462. In A Christmas Story, what gift does Ralphie receive from his aunt?

A pink bunny suit.

463. Who played George Bailey in the Christmas classic It’s a Wonderful Life?

Jimmy Stewart.

464. What country has the tradition of filling children’s clogs with candy and treats on December 5?

The Netherlands.

465. What alcohol is used to “spike” eggnog?


466. What is the number of children who celebrate Christmas around the world?

Around 700 million.

467. What is the second name of Ebenezer from “A Christmas Carol?”


468. What is the name of the citizens of Whoville?

The Who’s!

469. Which yucky ingredient goes into a popular Christmas drink, and which drink am I talking about?

Raw eggs in eggnog!

470. Which type of icing traditionally goes on Christmas fruitcake and looks like snow?

Royal Icing.

471. Which type of cookie dough is a common, man-shaped Christmas cookie made from?

The Gingerbread man is made from gingerbread!

472. Which animal king does the Nutcracker fight in the story of “The Nutcracker?”

The Mouse King.

473. Which sweet-inspired fairy dances in The Nutcracker?

The Sugar Plum Fairy.

474. Which spiky, waxy-leaved plant is associated with Christmas?


475. What do Christmas wreaths symbolize?

The thorny crucifixion crown of Christ.

476. Which are the two most popular proteins people currently choose to eat for Christmas lunch?

Gammon ham and turkey.

477. What did my true love send to me on the first day of Christmas?

A partridge in a pear tree.

478. What color is a Holly berry?


479. Where does Santa’s sleigh land when he delivers presents?

On your rooftop!

480. Which animals pull Santa’s sleigh?

His reindeer.

481. What do people give each other on Christmas?

Presents, of course, as well as season’s greetings and Christmas cards!

482. What did early church calendars celebrate on the 24th of December?

Adam and Eve’s Day.

483. How did people celebrate Adam and Eve’s Day?

By setting up a paradise tree to symbolize the Garden of Eden.

484. How were some original Christmas trees decorated?

They were hung from the roof and/or decorated with apples, nuts, dates, pretzels, and paper flowers to represent the paradise tree!

485. Which other tree varieties were sometimes used as Christmas trees centuries ago?

Cherry and Hawthorn trees or branches were sometimes used. If the living plants were brought inside, they would flower.

486. What is Christmas called in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland?


487. In Medieval times, what was the most popular bird eaten for Christmas feasts?

Peacock! Swans and other game birds were also popular.

488 Christmas wasn't always on December 25.

While Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, the actual date of the big event is lost to history. There's no mention of December 25 in the Bible and many historians say Jesus was most likely born in the spring. Some historians posit the date was originally chosen because it coincided with the pagan festival of Saturnalia, which honored the agricultural god Saturn with celebrating and gift-giving.

489 Your Christmas tree likely traveled a bit.

Unless you cut it down yourself, your "fresh" Christmas tree probably spent weeks out of the ground before appearing at your local retailer. And there's likely not much hiking into the woods involved, either: 98% of American trees today grow on farms, mostly in California, Oregon, Michigan, Washington, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and North Carolina, the country's top Christmas tree-producing states.

490. Evergreens are an ancient tradition.

The tradition of Christmas trees goes all the way back to the ancient Egyptians and Romans, who decorated using evergreens during the winter solstice to signify that spring would return. So if you deck your halls with a green tree, wreaths or evergreen garland, you're honoring history.

491. You can thank Prince Albert for your Christmas tree.

Brew a cup o' tea when trimming your tree this year to pay homage to its origins. When Prince Albert of Germany got a tree for his new wife, Queen Victoria of England, the tradition really took off across the pond. A drawing of the couple in front of a Christmas first tree appeared in Illustrated London News in 1848. To use modern parlance, the idea went viral.

492. St. Nick was more generous than jolly.

You probably already knew that the idea of Santa Claus came from St. Nicholas. The saint wasn't really a bearded man who wore a red suit; that look came much later. In the fourth century, the Christian bishop gave away his large inheritance to the poor and rescued women from servitude. In Dutch, his name is Sinter Klaas, which later morphed into Santa Claus in English.

493. Hanging stockings started by accident.

Legend has it, we hang stockings by the chimney with care thanks to a poor man who didn't have enough money for his three daughters' dowries. Generous old St. Nick dropped a bag of gold down their chimney one night after the girls had hung their freshly-washed stockings there to dry. That's where the gold ended up, and the tradition stuck.

494. The eight tiny reindeer have had lots of names.

Rudolph was almost named Rollo or Reginald, which doesn't quite have the same ring to it. But his crew also had lots of other names. They've also been called Flossie, Glossie, Racer, Pacer, Scratcher, Feckless, Ready, Steady and Fireball.

495. Santa has his own Canadian postal code.

Every year, letters to Santa Claus flood post offices across the world. Cementing their reputation as some of the nicest people ever, some big-hearted Canadian post office workers started writing back. As the program took off, they set up a special postal code for Santa as part of a Santa Letter-Writing Program initiative: HOH OHO.

496. The term "Xmas" dates back to the 1500s.

Contrary to popular belief, "Xmas" is not a trendy attempt to take Christ out of Christmas. According to From Adam's Apple to Xmas: An Essential Vocabulary Guide for the Politically Correct, "Christianity" was spelled "Xianity" as far back as 1100. X, or Chi, is the Greek first letter of "Christ" and served as a symbolic stand-in at the time. In 1551, the holiday was commonly called "Xtemmas," which was later shortened to "Xmas."

497. Americans spend nearly $1,000 on gifts.

According to the National Retail Federation's most recent data, consumers spend an average of $967.13 on the holidays, although individual spending can range widely. Many shoppers will really go all out, but just as many cherish homemade, thrifted or gifts that are generally more meaningful than flashy.

498. Ham ranks as the festive favorite.

One of the showstoppers of Christmas dinner is carving the roast beast, whatever species it comes from. Google searches for "ham" and "turkey" both spike during the month of December, according to Google Trends data. Spiral-cut ham edges out the bird as the most popular choice for a Christmas table. The jury's still out on whether people prefer ham or turkey sandwiches the day after, though.

499. Candy canes originated in Germany.

The National Confectioners Association says a choirmaster originally gave the red-and-white-striped candies to young children to keep them quiet during marathon church services. Grandmas who still sneak the kids sweets during droning sermons, history is on your side. It wasn't until a German-Swedish immigrant decorated his tree with candy canes in 1847 that they became popular as a Christmas candy.

500. Washington Irving created many Santa legends

You may know Washington Irving best for The Legend of Sleepy Hollow featuring the famous headless horseman, but he wrote a lot about St. Nicholas, too. In fact, he's the one who first came up with eight tiny reindeer. He loved Santa Claus so much that in 1835, he helped launch the Saint Nicholas Society of the City of New York, serving as its secretary until 1841.

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