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500 Thanksgiving Trivia Questions and Answers for Kids

Al Paca

Thanksgiving Trivia

Thanksgiving is a time for family, friends, and of course, food! But did you know that there's more to this holiday than just turkey and stuffing? Test your knowledge with these Thanksgiving trivia questions for kids! See how much you really know about America's favorite holiday.

1. What year was the first Thanksgiving? 1621, and yes people were asking “is it done yet?”.

2. Who were the Pilgrims? 100 people seeking religious freedom from the Church of England and green bean casserole.

3. What was the Mayflower? The ship they came in on. It was the predecessor of the 747.

4. How long did the voyage from England to America take? 66 Days. No wi-fi. brutal.

5. Who was the first president to declare Thanksgiving a national holiday? The O.G., George Washington or as they called him at Thanksgiving, Gorge Washington.

6. Why do we eat turkey on Thanksgiving? At the time, KFC only had a 20 piece.

7. What are some other traditional Thanksgiving foods? Yes.

8. What is the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade? First of all, what’s Macy’s?

9. How many calories are in a typical Thanksgiving meal? Dude, why do that to yourself? Some things are better left unknown.

10. What is the world's largest pumpkin pie ever baked? The old 96er was featured at the first Thanksgiving dinner. A young pilgrim, named Phil was the proud winner of the contest and his face was carved into a nearby tree.

Ready to test your knowledge? Let's get started!

1. How long was the first Thanksgiving celebration?

Three days

2. What meats were served at the first Thanksgiving celebration?

Venison, swan, duck and goose were likely—not turkey!

3. What seafood was served at the first Thanksgiving feast?

Lobster, oysters, fish and possibly eel

4. Who was the first President to pardon a turkey?

John F. Kennedy.

5. Which President made turkey pardoning an annual event?

George H.W. Bush.

Bonus: Which President was a Turkey?

Just kidding :)

6. How many calories on average are consumed, per person, at Thanksgiving dinner?


7. How much did the world's most expensive Thanksgiving dinner on record cost?

$150,000 at New York City's Old Homestead Steakhouse.

8. When was the first Thanksgiving football game?


9. When was the first Thanksgiving NFL game?


10. Who was the first President to receive a ceremonial Thanksgiving Turkey?

Harry S. Truman.

11. How many women were at the very first Thanksgiving celebration?


12. Which President made Thanksgiving a permanent national holiday?

Abraham Lincoln.

13. Which President first ordered a national day of Thanksgiving?

George Washington.

14. Which President refused to celebrate Thanksgiving as a national holiday?

Thomas Jefferson.

15. Which President declared two Thanksgivings in one year?

James Madison.

16. Which President officially made Thanksgiving the fourth Thursday of every November?

Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

17. Which President received a live raccoon as a Thanksgiving present?

Calvin Coolidge.

18. What Native American tribe celebrated the first Thanksgiving with the Pilgrims?

The Wampanoag.

19. Which Native American friend to the settlers acted as an interpreter?


20. In what month did the very first Thanksgiving celebration likely take place?


21. How many turkeys are prepared for Thanksgiving in America each year?

About 46 million.

22. What percent of Americans skip turkey on Thanksgiving?

About 12 percent.

23. When was the first Turkey Trot?


24. Where was the first Turkey Trot?

Buffalo, New York.

25. How many Americans prefer Thanksgiving leftovers to Thanksgiving dinner?

About 80 percent.

26. When is Thanksgiving in Canada?

The second Monday in October.

27. About how many pumpkin pies are consumed every Thanksgiving?

About 50 million.

Bonus: How many naps are taken after Thanksgiving dinner?

About 50 million.

28. What happens at Cole's Hill in Plymouth, Massachusetts every Thanksgiving?

A "National Day of Mourning" for Native Americans who died at the hand or plague of European settlers.

29. Black Friday is the biggest day of the year for what trade profession?


30. Do Americans prefer apple pie or pumpkin pie?

Apple pie.

31. What turkeys actually gobble?

Male turkeys.

Bonus: What do the female turkeys do?


32. Sarah Josepha Hale, who campaigned for Thanksgiving to be a national holiday, wrote what famous song?

"Mary Had a Little Lamb".

33. When was green bean casserole introduced to Thanksgiving dinners?


34. During which Revolutionary War battle did troops have a day of Thanksgiving?

The Battle of Saratoga.

35. What city has the oldest Thanksgiving Day Parade?


36. Which city's Thanksgiving Day Parade ends with Santa Claus getting a key to the city?


37. What 18-minute monologue is performed on many rock and classic rock stations every Thanksgiving?

Arlo Guthrie's "Alice's Restaurant".

38. What year did Adam Sandler release "The Thanksgiving Song?"


39. What year did the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade first have balloons?


40. On average, how many people attend the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade each year?

About 3.5 million.

41. How many people participate in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade each year?

About 8,000.

42. What popular song's real title is "The New England Boy's Song About Thanksgiving Day"?

"Over the River and Through the Woods"

43. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, how much does the heaviest turkey on record weigh?

86 pounds.

44. How much does the average Thanksgiving turkey weigh?

About 15 pounds.

45. What state consumes the most turkey every Thanksgiving?


46. When did canned cranberries first come about?


47. What meat is the most popular alternative to turkey on Thanksgiving?


48. Statistically, what is Americans' favorite Thanksgiving side dish?


49. Where are pumpkins native?

North America.

50. What was the name of the ship that brought the first settlers to America in 1620?


51. From what English port did those first settlers sail?

Plymouth, England.

52. What did these Protestant Separatists who came to the new world for religious freedoms call themselves?


53. What do we call the settlers who came to the new world to establish their new church?


54. What year was the first Thanksgiving feast?


55. The Native Americans brought what meat to the first Thanksgiving feast?

5 deer.

56. What state first adopted Thanksgiving as an annual holiday?

New York.

57. What animal did President Calvin Coolidge receive as a Thanksgiving gift in 1926?

A raccoon.

58. What NFL team hosted the first Thanksgiving Day football game?

Detroit Lions.

59. Who played in the NFL’s first Thanksgiving Day game?

The Detroit Lions and the Chicago Bears.

60. Who won the first Thanksgiving Day NFL game?

The Chicago Bears defeated the Detroit Lions 19 – 16.

61. On what day does the Thanksgiving holiday occur each year?

The fourth Thursday of each November.

62. What countries observe Thanksgiving as a national holiday?

Canada, Grenada, Liberia, Saint Lucia, United States.

63. What holiday occurs on the day after Thanksgiving (Not black Friday)?

Native American Heritage Day.

64. What was the first country to place importance on the wishbone?


65. Who began the tradition of breaking the wishbone?

The Romans.

66. What is the busiest day of the year for plumbers?

The day after Thanksgiving.

67. What famous Christmas song was written to be a Thanksgiving song?

Jingle Bells.

68. What is the most popular Thanksgiving Day destination in the United States?

Orlando, Florida.

69. What is the most popular alcoholic drink for Thanksgiving dinner?

Red wine.

70. In what year did A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving originally air? (Bonus points for the exact date!)

November 20, 1973.

71. What did Snoopy serve for Thanksgiving dinner on A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving?

Buttered toast, jellybeans, pretzel sticks, and popcorn.

72. What did they have for dessert in A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving?

Ice cream sundaes.

73. Which character complained about Snoopy’s Thanksgiving feast, saying they should have had a “real Thanksgiving dinner?”

Peppermint Patty.

74. Who leads the prayer at Thanksgiving dinner in A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving?


75. What is Linus’ full name?

Linus Van Pelt.

76. Who “wins” the wishbone in A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving?


77. In the 2013 animated comedy film Freebirds, what did the settlers have for Thanksgiving after the turkeys were saved?

Cheese pizza.

78. What does John Candy’s character sell in Planes, Trains, and Automobiles?

Shower curtain rings.

79. What Star Trek: Voyager actor was fired from Planes, Trains, and Automobiles because they couldn’t stop laughing at Steve Martin and John Candy?

Jeri Ryan.

80. What is the land (running) speed of frightened wild turkeys?

As fast as 25 miles per hour!

81. Where do wild turkeys sleep?

In trees.

82. What is a group of domesticated turkeys called?

A rafter.

83. What is a group of wild turkeys called?

A gang or a flock.

84. What are female turkeys called?

Mature female turkeys are called hens. A yearling female turkey is called a Jenny.

85. What is a baby turkey called?


86. What is a male turkey called?

Tom. (It’s called a Tom. Its name isn’t Tom. Maybe you’re thinking of the tank engine?)

87. What sound do female turkeys make?

Although they mostly yelp, they can make a few other noises. You can listen to all the sounds turkeys make.

88. What is the weight of the Guinness book of world records’ heaviest turkey?

Tyson the turkey from Peterborough, the United Kingdom weighed in at 86 pounds on December 12, 1989.

89. Benjamin Franklin preferred turkeys over what bird?

Bald eagles.

90. What state raises the most turkeys?


91. At what temperature do you know that your turkey is “done” and safe to eat?

165 degrees Fahrenheit. Use a meat thermometer!

92. How long is it safe to leave food out at room temperature?

2 hours.

93. The person who invented green bean casserole worked for what company?

Campbell Soup Company. The inventor’s name was Dorcas Reilly.

94. Which state grows the sweetest potatoes?

North Carolina. In fact, it grows more than the entire rest of the U.S.

95. Which popular Thanksgiving meal side has fewer calories, yams or sweet potatoes?

Sweet potatoes offer fewer calories in each serving.

96. Where are cranberries indigenous?

North America, mostly in the north (Wisconsin) to the northeastern (Maine) United States.

97. In the United States, what kind of pie is most preferred?

Apple pie.

98. Is a sweet potato really an orange potato?

No. Sweet potatoes are not potatoes. Potatoes are from nightshade plants. Sweet potatoes are morning glory plants.

99. What’s the difference between stuffing and dressing?

Stuffing is stuffed inside the turkey. Dressing is cooked separately. Also, the word dressing is typically used in the northern United States while dressing is typically used in the southern United States.

100. What is the most fattening Thanksgiving food?

Pecan pie.

101. What was the original name of the oldest Thanksgiving Day Parade?

Gimbels Thanksgiving Day Parade.

102. What is the oldest Thanksgiving Day Parade called now?

6abc Dunkin’ Donuts Thanksgiving Day Parade.

103. What was the first year of the Gimbels Thanksgiving Day Parade?

November 25, 1920.

104. In what city was the first Gimbels Thanksgiving Day Parade?

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

105. On what date was the first Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade?

November 27, 1924.

106. On what date was the first America’s Thanksgiving Parade?

November 27, 1924.

107. In what city does America’s Thanksgiving Parade run?

Detroit Michigan.

108. When was the first televised Thanksgiving Day parade?

1946 was the first year that the Macy’s parade was televised. It was only broadcast in New York, though. NBC broadcasted the parade nationally in 1947.

109. How do the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade and America’s Thanksgiving Parade end?

Santa Claus arrives!

110. What year did Macy’s parade place restrictions on parade balloons?


111. What two balloons went rogue during the 1997 Macy’s parade?

Barney the dinosaur and The Cat in the Hat.

112. What's the only area in Australia to celebrate Thanksgiving?

Norfolk Island.

113. What is Good Housekeeping's tie to the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade?

We have a Good Housekeeping illustrator to thank for the parade's first balloons.

114. A Thanksgiving turkey mix-up inspired what popular meal trend?

Frozen TV dinners.

115. What percentage of Americans actually eat turkey on Thanksgiving?


116. What world record was set at a turkey trot in 2011?

Amount of people dressed up as turkeys.

117. What happens to the turkeys that are pardoned by the president each year?

The turkeys pardoned by the president go on to live fulfilled lives.

118. Do turkeys actually gobble?

Only male turkeys actually gobble.

119. Where do turkeys get their name?

Turkeys are (kind of) named after the country.

120. According to Americans, what's the best part of Thanksgiving?

The leftovers.

121. How much pumpkin pie do Americans eat every Thanksgiving?

An estimated 50 million pumpkin pies are devoured every November.

122. How many people go shopping on Black Friday?

Over 32 million people.

123. What day is honored every last Thursday in November?

National Day of Mourning.

124. What are "Tofurky Roasts"?

Meat-free Thanksgivings.

125. Who was the first video-game character featured in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade?

Sonic the Hedgehog.

126. What did the balloons take the place of when introduced in the 1928 Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade?

Live zoo animals.

127. Who was the first Manga character featured in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade?


128. Which U.S. Founding Father famously called turkeys "a bird of courage".

Benjamin Franklin.

129. What are Americans most thankful for?

Family, health and life.

130. What did the Spaniards likely eat at the first Thanksgiving?

Based on what they brought over on their ships, it was likely a pork and bean stew, sea biscuits and red wine.

31. How long can a turkey be stored in the freezer?

An unopened whole turkey can be frozen for up to two years.

132. How long is the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade route?

2.5 miles.

133. How many passengers were on the Mayflower?


134. What was on the menu of the first Thanksgiving?

Venison, goose, duck, fish, and porridge or bread made from corn.

135. When did the Mayflower officially depart England for America?

September 6, 1620.

136. How was the Mayflower’s voyage from England to America?

66 days.

137. Where did the Pilgrims first land when arriving on America’s shores?

Provincetown, Massachusetts.

138. Where did the Pilgrims settle?

Though the Mayflower initially landed off the coast of Cape Cod, they decided to settle in Plymouth, Massachusetts.

139. How did the cranberry get its name?

Originally called "craneberry," Pilgrims likened the pink blossoms that appear on cranberries to the heads of Sandhill Cranes.

140. How many cranberries are produced each year?

U.S. farmers harvest approximately 40,000 acres annually.

141. How many Pilgrims were at the first Thanksgiving harvest feast in 1621?

Approximately 53.

142. What household danger triples on Thanksgiving?

Home fires.

143. What were the top three U.S. Thanksgiving travel destinations in 2021?

Orlando, Florida; Anaheim, California; and New York, New York.

144. What were the top three international Thanksgiving travel destinations in 2021?

Cancun, Mexico; Montego Bay, Jamaica; and Aruba.

145. On average, how many Americans hit the road for Thanksgiving?

Roughly 50 million.

146. When is the worst time to travel for Thanksgiving?

Wednesday before Thanksgiving between noon and 8:00 p.m.

147. How many places in the U.S. have the word “Pilgrim” in their name?

Two, per the U.S. Census Bureau — Pilgrim, Michigan and Pilgrim, Dade County, Missouri.

148. Which U.S. metro areas experience the worst pre-Thanksgiving congestion?

Atlanta, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles and New York City.

149. How many turkeys are consumed each Thanksgiving?

The National Turkey Federation estimates Americans eat about 45 to 46 million on Thanksgiving.

150. True or false: Thanksgiving is the busiest travel holiday of the year.

False. The week between Christmas and New Year’s Day is the busiest time for travel with upwards of 90 to 100 million Americans traveling during that time.

151. True or false: The Pilgrims celebrated the first Thanksgiving with the Sioux Native Americans.

False. The Pilgrims joined the Wampanoag Native People (which includes the Mashpee, Aquinnah and Manomet groups) for the first harvest gathering.

152. Which state produces the most cranberries?


153. What are the top ten most popular Thanksgiving foods?

Turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing or dressing, gravy, rolls and bread, pumpkin pie, sweet potatoes or yams, apple pie, cranberry sauce and corn.

154. What are the three most-disliked Thanksgiving foods?

Cranberry sauce tops the list followed by turkey and green bean casserole.

155. What was missing from the first Thanksgiving feast?


156. What was missing from the first Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade?


157. Has Thanksgiving always been the last week of November?


158. Why is football played on Thanksgiving?

Baseball used to be too popular.

159. Why is the day after Thanksgiving called Black Friday?

To keep people away from stores!

160. What New England town once cancelled Thanksgiving for lack of pumpkin pie?

Colchester, Connecticut.

161. True or false: Eating turkey makes you tired.


162. When the religious group that would later be known as the Pilgrims left England to practice their religion freely, where did they go?

Leiden, Holland.

163. Which president was the first to give a turkey a presidential pardon?

Ronald Reagan.

164. What is the wobbly red piece of flesh on top of the beak of a turkey?

A snood.

165. What are most turkey feathers used for after the turkey is plucked?

Animal feed.

166. What meat did the native Americans bring to the first Thanksgiving?

Deer (venison).

167. What food was present at the first Thanksgiving but is rarely eaten at Thanksgiving now?


168. In what century were the first pumpkin pies as we know them made?

The 17th century (1600s).

169. What culture produced the idea of the cornucopia, the horn of plenty?

Greek culture.

170. During Chuseok, the Korean Thanksgiving / harvest festival, they traditionally eat a stuffed food but it isn’t a turkey. What food do Koreans stuff and eat during Chuseok?

Rice cakes (songpyeon).

171. Who do children in Japan give drawings to on Labor Thanksgiving Day?

Police stations.

172. Does Thanksgiving day has any significance in religion?


173. What happens during a Thanksgiving parade?

Parades, floating balloons and music performances.

174. Who organized the first Thanksgiving?

William Bradford.

175. What is 'William Bradford: The First Thanksgiving'?

An animated show about the first Thanksgiving.

176. When did Bradford's Thanksgiving show first air?


177. Which other national day did Thanksgiving effectively replace?

Evacuation Day.

178. What is the Gimbels Parade currently known as?

6ABC Dunkin' Donuts Thanksgiving Parade.

179. When was Evacuation Day celebrated?

25 November.

180. What did the Macy's Parade initially start as?

Christmas parade.

181. On which platform did this Thanksgiving parade first air nationally?


182. Which giant Thanksgiving balloon is the oldest?

Felix the cat.

183. In which year did Westminster Abbey in London host a Thanksgiving ceremony for American soldiers?


184. What sport is traditionally played on Thanksgiving day?


185. Besides football, what other sport is played around Thanksgiving?


186. How many deer did the Wampanoag Indians bring for dinner on the first Thanksgiving?

Five deer.

187. How many people were at the first Thanksgiving?

Around 50 Pilgrims and 90 Wampanoags.

188. True or false? The first Thanksgiving feast was eaten outdoors.


189. Are female turkeys or male turkeys used in the Thanksgiving feast?


190. What do you call the feathers on the breast of a male turkey?


191. What are the feathers of a turkey used for?

For adornments and steadying arrows.

192. What is Thanksgiving also known as?

Turkey day.

193. Why is Thanksgiving day also known as Turkey day?

Turkey is a staple food for Thanksgiving.

194. Which sport uses the term 'turkey'?


195. What is a wattle?

A turkeys' red flesh under their beak.

196. How do you know if cranberries are sweet enough for harvest?

You see if they bounce.

197. How many feathers do adult turkeys have?


198. What do we call a group of turkeys?


199. What company is known for its pre-basted turkeys?


200. How many questions can Butterball answer on their Turkey Talk-Line?


201. Does eating turkeys make you feel sleepy?

Not directly.

202. Which berries are found indigenously in North America?


203. Where do we put the meat thermometer in turkeys?


204. How many turkeys do Americans consume at Thanksgiving?


205. On average, an American consumes how many calories on Thanksgiving?

More than 3000.

206. Did the people at the first Thanksgiving use forks?


207. What causes lethargy at a Thanksgiving meal?

The high calorie feast.

208. Can turkeys fly?


209. What type of turkeys can fly?


210. True or false? Turkeys contain more protein than beef?


211. True or false? Turkeys are named after the country.


212. True or false? The majority of Americans don't like traditional Thanksgiving dishes?


213. In which year did Truman discourage people from eating meat because of food shortages?


214. Who came up with the idea of frozen turkeys?

Gerry Thomas.

215. What meat product is highly in demand during Thanksgiving?


216. What is a turducken?

A combination of turkey, duck and chicken.

217. What do Americans love as much as the main feast?

Thanksgiving leftovers.

218. To which country do people travel most on Thanksgiving?


219. What is the name of the festival similar to Thanksgiving in China?

Chung Ch'ui.

220. When does Chung Ch'ui happen?

Mid August.

221. For how many days is Chung Ch'ui celebrated?


222. What is Chung Ch'ui also known as?

August Moon Festival.

223. True or false? America has a special stamp for Thanksgiving.


224. What is the festival called that is similar to Thanksgiving in Ghana?


225. When is Homowo observed?

August and September.

226. Which tradition brings good luck at Thanksgiving?

Breaking the wishbone.

227. What simple phrase do you say on Thanksgiving?

"Happy Thanksgiving!"

228. What is the festival similar to Thanksgiving in Rome?


229. Which deity is honored during Cerelia?


230. Who is Ceres?

The Goddess of harvest.

231. When is Cerelia celebrated?

4 October.

232. True or false? There is a town in America called Turkey.

True, there are multiple.

233. In the US, how many towns named Turkey are there?


234. In which states are the four Turkey named towns in the US?

North Carolina, Arizona, Louisiana and Texas.

235. What is the festival similar to Thanksgiving in Korea?


236. What do Koreans often eat during Chuseok?

Rice cakes.

237. When is Chuseok celebrated?

Late September.

238. Besides Philadelphia and New York, which two other cities in the US have big Thanksgiving parades?

Detroit and Chicago.

239. What is the day after Thanksgiving commonly known as?

Black Friday.

240. What happens on Black Friday?

Shops have large sales.

241. When is Thanksgiving observed in Japan?

23 November.

242. What happens when Thanksgiving falls on Sunday in Japan?

It is celebrated on the following Monday.

243. Is Thanksgiving a national holiday in Japan?


244. When was Thanksgiving established as a national holiday in Japan?


245. Which animals were at the first Thanksgiving?

Camels, bears, elephants and monkeys.

246. What is Thanksgiving known as in Germany?


247. Which comic character has made the most appearances at Thanksgiving parades?


248. Which character owns Snoopy?

Charlie Brown.

249. Was 'Jingle Bells' formerly a Thanksgiving song?


250. Who created the first Thanksgiving parade balloons?

Tony Sarg.

251. What was Tony Sarg's profession?


252. Where was Tony Sarg employed as an illustrator?

'Good Housekeeping'.

253. True or false? Tony Sarg was interested in puppetry?


254. What was the name of the turkey pardoned in 2020?


255. Who urged Lincoln to turn Thanksgiving into a national holiday?

Sarah Josepha Hale.

256. Who is called the mother of Thanksgiving?

Sarah Josepha Hale.

257. What color is a turkey's beak?


258. How do you spell 'thanksgiving'?


259. In 'Friends' which character hates Thanksgiving?


260. What did Wampanoag teach the Pilgrims?

Land cultivation.

261. Who wrote about the first Thanksgiving?

Edward Winslow.

262. What is the Turkey Trot?

A Thanksgiving footrace.

263. Where are Turkey Trots held?

All over the US.

264. What is the length of a Turkey Trot?

Five miles.

265. When is Thanksgiving observed in Puerto Rico?

The last Thursday in November.

266. What song did Sarah Josepha Hale write?

'Mary Had A Little Lamb'.

267. What was a Turkey Trot originally?

Ballroom dance.

268. Why do Japanese children gift drawings to the police at Thanksgiving?

To honor them.

269. When is Thanksgiving celebrated in Liberia?

The first Thursday in November.

270. When was 'Hannah And Her Sisters' released?


271. Which 2013 movie features Reggie the Turkey?

'Free Birds'.

272. Was 'Free Birds' three dimensional?


273. Which movie features Todd and Terry?

'Blood Rage'.

274. Were Todd and Terry twins?


275. Green Giant broke a Guinness Record in 2019 for the largest green bean casserole. How much did it weigh?

1,009 lbs.

276. Turkeys mate for life. True or false?

False, they are polygamous.

277. The coldest Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade was what year?

2018 (it was 19F).

278. Cranberries are also called what?


279. If only male turkeys gobble, then what sounds do the female turkeys make?

Clicking noises.

280. What is the name of the only child born at sea during the Mayflower voyage?


281. Turkey eggs are what color?


282. A Furcula is what?

The wishbone.

283. Who said this quote? "If you really are thankful, what do you do? You share!"

W Clement Stone (Author).

284. Why did farmers used to put booties on their turkeys?

To protect their feet when walking to the market.

285. Turkeys are color blind, true or false?


286. Breaking the wishbone in England is called what?


287. Turkey has more protein than beef or chicken, true or false?

True, turkey has higher protein per ounce.

288. How many NFL football games are played on Thanksgiving Day?


289. How much of the turkey is dark meat?


290. What is the dangling skin under a turkey's neck called?


291. Which weighs more, domestic turkey or Wild turkey?

Domestic turkeys.

292. An old wives tale says that pumpkins are a cute for what?


293. How fast can a turkey run?


294. The turkey is considered a sacrificial bird in which country?


295. Back in the early 1620's, the pilgrims celebrated a "Day of Humiliation." What did they do on that day?

Prayed and fasted.

296. Originally, why did Parades become important to the Thanksgiving celebration?

They were a great publicity kick-off for the Christmas season.

297. 1690, what became the priority at Thanksgiving?

Food had overtaken the religious origins of Thanksgiving.

298. Why is Thanksgiving always observed on a Thursday?

The pilgrims went to church twice a week. Sundays and mid-prayer on Thursdays. They wanted to use the mid-prayer day as a day of thanksgiving.

299. The governor of which state refused to issue a Thanksgiving Proclamation because he felt it was "a damned Yankee institution anyway."


300. Not everyone on the Mayflower was traveling to the New World to settle. What was the purpose of the others?

To get furs and lumber to send back to England.

301. The Mayflower was not built to be a transportation ship for people. What was the original purpose of the Mayflower?

As a merchant ship carrying wine.

302. What kind of pie is associated with Thanksgiving and Fall?

Pumpkin Pie.

303. Pumpkins are vegetables?


304. Which continent does not grow pumpkins?


305. What Motivated The Pilgrims To Come To America?

Religious freedom.

306. What Is The Name Of The Famous Rock Where The Pilgrims Landed?

Plymouth Rock.

307. What Part Of The Turkey Is Saved And Snapped As A Superstitious Good Luck Custom?


308. Thanksgiving Is A Day Of Giving Thanks For The Blessing Of What?

The harvest and of the preceding year.

309. Which Country Consumes The Most Turkey Per Year Per Capital?


310. Which State Grows The Highest Number Of Potatoes In The USA?


311. What Amino Acid Can Be Found In Turkey?


312. The Most Injuries Related To Thanksgiving Day Is?

Mishandling of knife.

313. What Was The Original Name For The Pilgrims?


314. The Oldest Harvest Celebration Makahiki Lasts For How Many Months?

4 months.

315. What Protein Source Do Scholars Believe Was Featured At The Very First Thanksgiving Celebration?


316. The Internal Organs Of A Store-Bought Turkey Are Usually Found In A Small Bag Inside The Bird. What Is The Collective Name For The Organs?


317. A Turkey Below Sixteen Weeks Of Age Is Called A?


318. What Dance Form Is Dedicated To The Name Of The Turkey?

Turkey Trot.

319. Which Founding Father Wanted The Turkey To Be America’s National Bird?

Benjamin Franklin.

320. Who Were The Two Astronauts That Ate Turkey After Walking On The Moon?

Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin.

321. What Holiday Did Some Native Americans Begin Observing Instead Of Thanksgiving In 1970?

Day of Mourning.

322. What Critically Acclaimed '80s Movie Is Reported To Have A Deleted Scene With Friends Preparing Thanksgiving Dinner Together?

The Big Chill.

323. The First Female Balloon Flew In 1929, Then Not Again Until The ’80s.” Who Was Flown In 1982?

Olive Oyl

324. Where Were The Pardoned Turkeys Sent To From 1989 To 2004?

Frying Pan Farm Park

325. In 1982, This Brand Introduced A Stuffing Meant To Be Paired With Turkey.

Stove Top.

326. What Is The American Folk Song About Gathering For Thanksgiving?

We Gather Together.

327. What Is Darrell Scott's Thanksgiving Song?

The Day Before Thanksgiving.

328. Most Popular American Fiddle And Dance Tune As An Instrumental Tribute To All Turkeys.

Turkey in the Straw.

329. What Prime-Time TV Special Originally Aired On CBS On November 20, 1973, And Won An Emmy Award In 1974?

A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving.

330. What years did the Macy’s parade not happen?

1942, 1943, and 1944.

331. At the first thanksgiving celebration, what meats were served?

Swan, venison, duck and goose were likely and not turkey.

332. What is the most popular side dish at Thanksgiving?

Mashed Potatoes.

333. Which actor played Neal in the Thanksgiving movie “Planes, Trains and Automobiles”?

Steve Martin.

334. Which famous NYC store is associated with the Thanksgiving day parade?


335. Which country did the Pilgrims sail from?


336. What is the busiest airport in the US for Thanksgiving?

Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport.

337. Thanksgiving is a national federal holiday.


338. Breaking wishbones is an original American tradition.


339. Which TV show is “Blair Waldorf Must Pie” a Thanksgiving episode of?

Gossip Girl.

340. In Friends, Monica invites an old friend named Will to her thanksgiving meal. Which famous actor played Will?

Brad Pitt.

341. In which TV show can you see a group of friends celebrating ‘Slapgiving’?

How I Met Your Mother.

342. Which New Girl character initiates a “Bangs-giving”-themed Thanksgiving dinner party in episode 6 of season 1?


343. In Friends, which ingredient did Rachel mistakenly add to her Thanksgiving trifle?


344. Which family hosts Thanksgiving in the Modern Family episode ‘Three turkeys’?

The Dunphys.

345. In the New Girl thanksgiving episode ‘Parents’. Jess invites her parents. Which actress plays her mom?

Jamie Lee Curtis.

346. Which show has a thanksgiving episode named “Helen Keller! The Musical!”?

South Park.

347. In Gilmore Girls, who tries to fit four Thanksgiving dinners in one day?

Rory and Lorelai.

348. Which utensil was not used at the first Thanksgiving feast: forks, spoons, knives?


349. What vegetable is a popular symbol of Thanksgiving: corn, green beans, potatoes?


350. How long have turkeys been in America: 500 years ago, 10,000 years ago, or 10 million years ago?

Turkey fossils have been found showing that turkeys have been in America for 10 million years.

351. Once cooked, how long can turkey sit before it should be refrigerated?

No longer than two hours.

352. How many Pilgrims survived the first winter in America?

About half.

353. Which Founding Father once proclaimed, “No citizen of the U.S. shall refrain from turkey on Thanksgiving Day”?

Alexander Hamilton.

354. Who opened the Plymouth Plantation, which also offers free Thanksgiving meals to the visitors?

Henry Hornblower.

355. Who was the captain of the ship “Mayflower”?

Christopher Jones.

356. Which cutlery item invented after 10 years of the first Thanksgiving?


357. What was the name of the magazine in which Sarah Hales wrote letters and editorials about Thanksgiving?

The Godey’s Lady’s Book.

358. How many years Sarah Joseph wrote editorials letters to convince the American President for celebrating the Thanksgiving Day?

17 years.

359. Cornucopia means?

Horn of Plenty.

360. For Americans, Thanksgiving is a national holiday. What’s that for the Canadians?

Statuary holiday.

361. Do Jews celebrate Thanksgiving Day?

Yes. That’s because it has traditional origins and not religious.

362 Halloween is after Thanksgiving. True or false.


363. America’s Thanksgiving Parade is an inspiration of which parade?

Eaton’s Santa Claus Parade.

364. Where did Pilgrims land in America?

Cape Cop.

365. Instead of balloons, what were included in the Macy’s first Thanksgiving parade?

Animals from the central park Zoo.

366. In Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade, More than 40 gallons of fluorescent paint and 5 barrels of glitter were used to create the flames of which character?


367. The word Turkey has originated from a Hebrew word. Tell that.


368. Who wrote the book Of Plymouth Plantation?

Governor William Bradford.

369. Which country celebrates thanksgiving festival on the fifteenth of the eighth month of the lunar calendar?


370. Captain John Smith found which colony in Virginia?


371. Name the company that created green bean casserole?

Dorcas Reilley.

372. Who wrote the poem “The Courtship of Miles Standish”?

Henry Longfellow.

373. On Thanksgiving, what is the standard dessert for the Canadians?

Pumpkin Pie.

374. Who made the barrels for a beer that pilgrims took with them on the voyage?

John Alden.

375. According to estimation, baby turkeys are ugly. Is that true or false?


376. When the town of Plymouth celebrates Forefather’s Day?

11 December.

377. During which war the original Plymouth Rock cracked?

Revolutionary War.

378. What does Japan celebrate on 23rd November?

Labor Thanksgiving.

379. In 1541, who held the Thanksgiving celebration in Palo Duro Canyon?

Francisco Vasquez de Coronado.

380. There is a country which celebrates thanksgiving same as America, but on the first Thursday of November.Name that.


381. Americans eat the weight of approximately which country’s population as Turkeys?


382. Martin Frobisher held a Thanksgiving not for the harvest, but for what?

For surviving in the difficult journey from England.

383. Which war inspired Abraham Lincoln to proclaim Thanksgiving an annual holiday?

American Civil War.

384. In 1953, how many Turkeys Swanson ordered mistakenly?

260 tons.

385. Some researchers trace the origin of Thanksgiving in Canada through the settlers of which country?


386. Name the tallest Balloon, which is 64 feet long?

The Elf on the shelf.

387. The aspect of eating Turkey at the Thanksgiving Day becomes a common practice in Canada. Who brought the tradition to the country?

United Empire Loyalists.

388. What’s the natural lifespan of the Turkeys?

Up to 15 years.

389. The average amount for the food of 10 people at Thanksgiving costs how much?


390. What’s the typical slaughter age of Turkey?

4-5 months.

391. Turkeys can drown if they look up in the rain. True or False?


392. According to scientists, Turkey is the main reason of drowsiness. True or false?


393. Name the Turkey pardoned by President Donald Trump in 2017?


394. The longest balloon in Macy’s Thanksgiving parade was 77-feet long. Name that.

Red Mighty.

395. Before the recent type of thanksgiving, what was it celebrated for in 1611?

Days of fasting in drought.

396. Of all cranberries that are consumed in the U.S. per year, about many are eaten on Thanksgiving?

20 percent.

397. Since 1927 to 2016, how many characters participated as Balloons?


398. The meaning of Thanksgiving is?

Special blessings.

399. Name the first Turkey pardoned by President Obama?


400. Who explored Canadian Thanksgiving?

Martin Frobisher.

401. Until 1682, who made the most of Thanksgiving proclamations?

Church leaders.

402. What was the reason behind changing the day of thanksgiving in 1939?

Economic recession.

403. Leiden’s autumn thanksgiving celebration in 1617 become the occasion for sectarian disturbance. What’s that called?

Oktober Feesten.

404. The full name of Wampanoag is?

Wampanoag Indians.

405. The Greek Goddess of Corn is:


406. Each year, how many volunteers march along in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade?

More than 8,000.

407. Thanksgiving is harvest celebrations. True or False?


408. Name the table added to the Thanksgiving meal in the 19th century?

Kiddies’ Table.

409. What did Ohio Dale built in 1998 for celebrating American Thanksgiving Holiday?

A 52-ft free standing illuminating star.

410. What exactly does green bean casserole consist of?

Green beans, cream of mushroom soup, and french fried onions.

411. Has Thanksgiving been celebrated as a secular holiday?

Yes, it has.

412. Is it true that Canada's first Thanksgiving celebration predates America’s?


413. By how much?

By more than forty years.

414. Japan’s celebration of Thanksgiving is referred to as what?

Kinro Kansha no Hi (Labor Thanksgiving Day).

415. In Brasil they replace cranberry juice with what?

With jaboticaba.

416. Can you name a few harvest festivals in India?

Makar Sankranti, Pongal, Lohri, Magh Bihu, Onam, and Baisakhi.

417. What color is worn on the day of Basant Panchami?


418. Is Thanksgiving a public holiday in the Netherlands?

No, it isn’t. Those who celebrate it tend to go to church in the evening or occasionally take the day off.

419. Korean Thanksgiving duration?

3 days.

420. Every year how many NFL games played during Thanksgiving festival?

3 games.

421. In which city Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade takes place every year?

New York City.

422. At which degree Turkey eye can see?

270 degree.

423. Which two NFL teams never play any match on Thanksgiving Day?

Carolina Panthers and Jacksonville Jaguars.

424. True or false questions: Thanksgiving festival celebrate only in the United States?


425. Which song did Bob Dylan write on Thanksgiving after declining a dinner invitation?

Just Like A Woman.

426. What pro sports league started playing games on Thanksgiving day in 1920?


427. What is the marketing term for the Monday after Thanksgiving day in the USA?

Cyber Monday.

428. What is the astrological sign for November 22 - December 21?


429. What hashtag refers to the Tuesday after U.S. Thanksgiving in the United States?


430. What did Martha Stewart get from the turkey during Thanksgiving 2012 preparations?


431. What date was Thanksgiving 2019?

November 28th.

432. What animated movie earned a record-breaking $123.7 million over the five-day Thanksgiving holiday weekend in 2019?

Frozen II.

433. What 2013 movie sequel brought in $74 million during the three-day Thanksgiving weekend?

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire.

434. Turtle Island Foods sells what vegan substitute for Turkey?


435. "The Last Waltz", a 1978 documentary took place on Thanksgiving Day in 1976, whose farewell concert was it?

The Band.

436. Pilgrims never called themselves Pilgrims, what were they?


437. On Thanksgiving Day in 2011, in what U.S. city did the largest gathering of people dressed as turkeys take place?


438. On "Seinfeld", what float does Mr. Pitt hold in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade?

Woody Woodpecker.

439. In what season does Thanksgiving occur in the USA?

Fall, Autumn.

440. In a Thanksgiving episode on TV's "Friends", what dish did Monica have to make for Ross?

Lumpy Mashed Potatoes.

441. In 2019 what percentage of Americans ate Thanksgiving dinner at a restaurant?

Nine Percent.

442. How many days between the dates for Thanksgiving day until Christmas Day in 2020?

28 days.

443. How many calories is one cup of average cranberries?

50 Calories.

444. Along with the Detroit Lions what other NFL team plays every Thanksgiving since 1966?

Dallas Cowboys.

445. In the iconic Friends Thanksgiving episode, who is wearing the turkey with sunglasses on their head?


446. In Modern Family, Phil is left in charge of the turkey one Thanksgiving. Who makes the backup turkey just in case?


447. In The Blind Side, what does Leigh Anne give thanks to while saying grace at Thanksgiving dinner?

Bringing them a new friend.

458. Which How I Met Your Mother character says the following line ‘Thanksgiving is a day of peace, there will be no slaps today’?


449. In Full House, who makes Pam’s famous pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving?


450. In the Fresh Prince of Bel Air, who makes a surprise appearance at Thanksgiving?

Will's mom.

451. Which Gilmore Girls character gets infamously drunk during their Thanksgiving episode?


452. In the Thanksgiving episode, who does Buffy The Vampire Slayer encounter?

A Native American warrior.

453. In Seinfeld’s Thanksgiving episode, Kramer takes all of Jerry’s shoes, leaving him only with what footwear?

Cowboy boots.

454. In Gossip Girl’s first iconic Thanksgiving episode, why is Blair so upset?

Her father stayed in Paris for Thanksgiving.

455. In the movie Home For The Holidays, what job is Claudia fired from due to budget cuts?

Art restorer.

456. Which type of apple is used traditionally in apple pie?

Granny Smith.

457. Turducken, or three-bird-roast, became popular in which US state?


458. Eating fresh Dungeness crab during Thanksgiving is popular in which US region?

San Francisco, California.

459. In the movie Planes, Trains and Automobiles, Del and Neal’s plane is diverted due to the snowstorm. Where do they end up?

Wichita, Kansas.

460. What day of the week is Thanksgiving celebrated in the United States?


461. What is the average lifespan of a wild turkey?

3 – 4 years.

462. Used as a punishment in the 2018 film "The Secret Life of Bees" and as a critical plot point in 1992's "My Cousin Vinny," what dish of boiled cornmeal came from a Native American Muskogee tribe's recipe in the 16th century?


463. In 2011, an online petition was started to protest what oft-decried rock band from providing the halftime entertainment of a Thanksgiving NFL game in Detroit? More than 50,000 people signed the petition. The band's name is also a football-related term.


464. There is a Native American tribe that viewed owls as a protective symbol from danger. This tribe share its name with the setting of the TV show "Parks and Recreation." What is this tribe?


465. A Mr. Bean Christmas special bit inspired a "Friends" Thanksgiving gag of what sandwich-lovin' character getting his head stuck in a turkey?


466. Way before Plymouth, Spanish explorers celebrated a Thanksgiving feast with the Timicua, near the eventual site of the Castillo de San Marcos in what Atlantic Coast state?


467. According to the Lydia Child poem "Thanksgiving Day," it's just "over the river, and through the wood" to reach the house of what relative?


468. Don't say turkey: Vaccinium macrocarpon is the scientific name of what Thanksgiving staple?


469. "The One With the Embryos," "The One With All the Thanksgivings," and "The One After Vegas" are notable episode titles from what long-running sitcom?


470. How many of the pilgrim died of starvation?

Half of the people.

471. Which weapons did the pilgrims used for hunting?

A Musket.

472. What was the name of the baby born in Mayflower?

Oceanus Hopkins.

473. Where did the pilgrim first landed in America?

Near Hudson River.

474. Which country first adopted Thanksgiving as National Holiday?


475. Name the first governor of the Plymouth colony.

John carver.

476. Which of these fasteners would not have been found on a pilgrim's clothes?


477. Which ocean did the pilgrims cross?

The Atlantic.

478. Pilgrim women commonly wore coifs. What were coifs?


479. What kind of meat would not have been on the Thanksgiving table?


480. Who was the first couple to get married in the new colony?

Edward Winslow and Susanna White.

481. Who acted as the pilgrim's Doctor?

Samuel Fuller.

482. Which famous explorer visited Plymouth before the pilgrims?

Samuel Champlain.

483. How much did Plymouth Rock weigh?

10 tonnes.

484. What did the pilgrims intend to build at the site of the rock?

A wharf.

485. The pilgrims were supposed to travel on two ships. What was the name of the ship that had to return to Europe?

The Speedwell.

486. Which of these items was not worn by the pilgrims?


487. Which of these would have been on the table at the first Thanksgiving?

Maple syrup.

488. Where did the pilgrims bury their dead?

Cole's Hill.

489. Who was the chief of the Pakanoet?


490. Which countries culture gave us the cornucopia?

Ancient Rome.

491. Where was the Ship carrying the pilgrims supposed to land?

The mouth of the Hudson.

492. The Mayflower was not a passenger ship. What was it?

A cargo ship.

493. There were about 150 guests at the first Thanksgiving.

The first Thanksgiving feast included about 50 Pilgrims who had just arrived in this “new world” – including about 25 children – and about 90 Wampanoag Indians.

494. There was no pumpkin pie at the first Thanksgiving.

They definitely ate pumpkins and squash, but the colony didn’t have the butter and wheat flour necessary to make the delicious pumpkin pie we enjoy today.

495. A botched Thanksgiving order led to the TV Tray Dinner.

In 1953, C.A. Swanson & Sons overestimated the demand for Thanksgiving turkey, and were left with 260 tons of leftover frozen turkey. So they ordered 5,000 aluminum trays, pulled together a turkey meal, and assembled what would become the first TV tray dinner. The next year, they sold 10 million turkey dinners

496. Americans eat 704 million pounds of turkey every Thanksgiving.

That’s more than 40 million turkeys served each year.

497. How many calories are in a typical slice of pumpkin pie?

There are approximately 300 calories in a typical slice of pumpkin pie.

498. When wasThanksgiving in 2021?

25 November.

499. How do you say “Thanksgiving in Spanish?

D?a de Acci?n de Gracias.

500. True/False? There were no kids at the first Thanksgiving.

False: Of the 50 Pilgrims who celebrated the first Thanksgiving in the fall of 1621, almost half were kids!

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